Welcome to The Cure Back Pain Network. You have found the premier source of objective back pain information. Our goal is to help you recover from your symptoms, by providing an encyclopedia of articles which can assist you in learning more about your pain.
You do not need to spend any money here, so you can relax. All the educational materials are free to enjoy. This resource is meant to supplement and enhance the relationship between you and your doctor, providing topics for discussion and investigation. This page will provide a comprehensive overview of who we are and why we are so passionate about helping back pain patients around the world.
Cure Back Pain Network Overview
This website features a vast number of articles about various types of back pain and treatment options. It is truly a huge treasure trove of relevant data and helpful advice. The site is not here to get you to try any drug or surgical procedure and there is no hidden agenda, unlike most major medical sites.
I know how hard it can be to find lasting back pain relief. I suffered for decades with horrible chronic back pain, as well as recurrent knee and wrist pain and gastrointestinal sensitivity. You can read my story in the chronic lumbar back pain resource section. To make the most of this site, here are a few pointers:
Topics are arranged on the navigation bar. Each resource section has its own button on the navigation bar and contains many individual articles on the chosen topic.
You can use the site map or the site search to find any information you are looking for on the site.
If this site has been helpful to you in any way, please consider a small donation to keep us online and completely free for all to enjoy. Even $1 will really help out. Thank you!
Cure Back Pain Network Websites
Please take advantage of the highly specific and detailed information contained in the other sites of The Cure Back Pain Network.
Sciatica is the topical focus of Sciatica-Pain.Org. This comprehensive sciatic nerve site has all the facts about lower body nerve pain and how to best recover from chronic radicular pain in the lower back and legs.
Herniated disc information is detailed on Herniated-Disc-Pain.Org. Enjoy this thought provoking study of disc conditions, including bulging discs, herniations, ruptured discs and degenerative disc disease. If disc pain is your tormentor, this is where you need to be.
Spinal stenosis is profiled in all its varieties on Spinal-Stenosis-Treatment.Org. Take an in-depth look at one of the most frightening of all back pain issues, spinal stenosis. This comprehensive resource features details about central canal narrowing, foraminal narrowing and lateral recess narrowing, as well as an abundance of spinal stenosis treatment options.
Neck pain is a serious condition which deserves its own dedicated resource and Neck-Pain-Treatment.Org delivers. Our editorial board looks into cervical spinal issues in vivid detail, including the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of neck ache, as well as discussing a multitude of neck pain treatments.
The Chronic Pain Coach web resource provides invaluable guidance for people with any type of chronic pain or illness. If you need help managing pain, this is the place to go!
Piriformis syndrome is the focus of many diagnostic evaluations and is profiled in its entirety on Piriformis-Pain.Com. If you have pseudo-sciatica and piriformis pain issues, this site is perfect for your research needs.
Scoliosis-Pain.Com delves deeply into the topic of atypical lateral spinal curvatures and provides an objective view of the diagnosis and treatment of scoliosis conditions of all varieties and severities.
Low-Back-Pain.Org is the leading source of educational materials for people with chronic lower back pain. There is nothing that can match the agony of lumbar pain and this is why we created this niche web resource just for low back pain sufferers.
Facet-Joint-Pain.Com explains all manner of spinal joint concerns, including hypertrophy, injury and degeneration. If you are suffering from facet joint pain, then this website is a must read.
Learn all about a diversity of SIJ disorders on Sacroiliac-Joint-Pain.Org. Sacroiliac joint pain problems are frequently misdiagnosed, often being attributed to incidental hip or lower back abnormalities. Find lasting relief from sacroiliac symptoms here.
Spondylolisthesis pain is a potentially disabling condition that can compromise spinal stability in extreme case profiles. Spondylolisthesis-Pain.Com provides all the information you could ever need in order to enjoy accurate diagnosis and successful treatment for vertebral migration issues.
More sites will be added as we can accomplish the many tasks involved in creating quality content for you. Thank you ever so much for your continuing support.
The Cure Back Pain Network Mission
Our goal is to help you; pure and simple.
During all those years when I was suffering, I felt so alone and no doctor seemed to have any ability to really relieve my pain. I tried everything short of major back surgery, but my pain grew worse every year. It was a true test of my character and perseverance and I felt like just giving up on life. I made it my mission to help others, so that no one would have to endure their fight alone.