Low back ache can be one of the most influential forces in a person’s life. Chronic lower back pain makes an imprint on the body and soul of every affected patient, changing their hopes, dreams and daily realities for the worse. Of course, the variety of lower back pain concerns ranges from mild to excruciating, but for all who experience acute symptoms, the future is filled with apprehension and worry over a possible recurrence.
This discussion provides a general overview of pain that occurs in the lumbar spinal region and surrounding muscular anatomy. We will examine low back pain problems from a unique point of view, as well as detail why so few patients ever find lasting and total relief.
Causes of Low Back Ache
Lower back pain can be caused by many possible reasons. Short-term acute symptoms can result from muscular overexertion or minor muscular tears common to back strain conditions. Of course, traumatic injury can enact acute back pain for a great number of reasons. Back injury may be mild or serious, but should always be evaluated by a qualified physician.
Degenerative conditions are often implicated in sourcing ongoing lower back pain concerns, but this is sometimes an incorrect assumption on the part of the diagnostician. In many cases, the degenerative changes in the spine are normal and coincidental to any symptoms experienced, although there are exceptions to this rule.
Of all the leading causes of unresponsive chronic back pain, ischemia seems to be one of the most prevalent, which is ironic, since it is also the least commonly diagnosed, especially by traditional care providers.
Lower Back Ache Treatment
Readers write to me constantly asking for the best treatment for lower back pain. Now, just because the majority of doctors and chiropractors use a cookie-cutter philosophy in treating back ache in the lumbar spine, that does not mean it is right.
You should never attempt to treat pain based on location, but instead, should treat pain based on causation. This is the #1 rule.
When I see a product or therapy which is advertised as being “perfect for lower back pain”, I cringe… Patients must achieve an accurate diagnosis first and then find the treatment which will work best for their pain. This sounds like an easy thing to do, but has proven itself to be the most challenging part of beating back pain for almost every patient with long-term complaints… myself included.
Low Back Ache Tips
You must get involved in your own care and spend some time researching your condition. Do not simply allow a doctor to tell you that your chronic lower back pain is caused by a some structural abnormality in your back, without fully understanding the diagnostic theory or the facts of the condition.
Misdiagnosed back pain will always lead you down the wrong path for treatment. Why do you think so many therapies fail, especially surgical interventions? It is due to misdiagnosis. It is an epidemic issue within the back pain community. I was a victim of it for 18 years and truly took the lessons to heart. I advise you to do the same.
If your chronic pain endures, despite care and a defined diagnosis, I advise you to use common sense. It is the diagnosis which may be wrong. The treatments are not likely to be at fault. They are merely not targeting the correct source of pain. Figure out the real causation and a cure will have a much better chance of coming to fruition.