Severe back pain is one of the most debilitating sufferings any person can ever face. Back pain rates at the very top of medical pain scales and is one of the most often treated of all chronic pain conditions worldwide.
Why is back pain such a terrible agony to bear? What is it about the very words back pain that send shivers through people’s spines and very souls? Why do so many people have back pain now when in the past, chronic back pain was almost unheard of? More importantly, with the growth of medical technology and knowledge, why are treatment statistics getting worse instead of better? We will address these vital questions during the course of this essay.
This discussion provides an objective view of the modern back pain crisis, which is still continuing to grow in leaps and bounds despite its remarkable historic surge over the past 6 decades.
Severe Back Pain Effects
When speaking purely anatomically, back pain is a torture. It can affect large areas of the dorsal anatomy, including the postural muscles. These are the same muscles that account for most of our core strength and provide us with all of our upright posture functionality. Back pain prevents movement, work, exercise and basically any physical activity while it is severe.
On an emotional level, people do not understand back pain but instinctively fear it. Much has been said about the torment of back pain and even people who have never experienced it have a deep fear of it. All you have to do is say the words herniated disc or spinal stenosis out loud and heads will turn. People will be afraid at the mere sound of the words…
When back pain is severe and chronic, life stops. Back pain takes control of the reins and does as it wants with our lives. We no longer have control. The collateral effects of back pain may include the loss of job, career, family, self-esteem, physical fitness, financial wellbeing, mental health and sanity itself.
Severe Back Pain Propagation
Looking back at the historical record of medical science, there is little mention of back pain before the Second World War. There is almost no mention of chronic back pain as a problem dating back thousands of years, except in notable cases of documented catastrophic injury or dramatic congenital or developmental abnormality. Back pain as a real and ongoing problem is a purely modern epidemic.
Doctors and scientists all have different reasons for why this has occurred. Some cite our upright posture as being the cause, but to our understanding, humans have been standing upright for millennia without back pain. Nope, that’s no it. Some blame the change in work patterns to office jobs, yet the statistics do not support such claims. Back pain is non-discriminatory based on type of work. Sedentary and physically-active people alike suffer in the modern world, so that is not it either…
Why has back pain become the number one health crisis affecting people in the developed world and why does it continue to worsen?
Relieving Severe Back Pain
Back pain is just another in a long line of chronic pain syndromes that have come and gone throughout history. None of these conditions had structural basis, although most were blamed on anatomical (or functional or environmental) factors that turned out to be incidental. Back pain is no exception, as the great Dr. John Sarno wrote about in his books.
Back pain can come from injury, degeneration, congenital or developmental defect, disease, dysfunction and other diagnosable origins. However, in virtually all of these cases, back pain can be cured with indicated and appropriate treatment. This is the way medical science works.
Pain Problem + Effective Treatment = Cure
However, back pain has defied that truth. Few patients find cures or even adequate relief from ANY type of treatment. The mere fact that there are SO MANY different types of treatment is a sure sign of diagnostic eclecticism, which is a certain indicator of a complete misunderstanding of the root problem.
We have devoted ourselves towards propagating the TRUTH that most back pain of a chronic and severe nature is not the result of any structural issue. Instead, it is a direct product of the mindbody interactions. This is not a working theory or suspicion. It is nothing short of an indisputable fact. We can back it up with evidence that treatment directed purely at the mind will cure the back pain in almost every case. This would never occur if the pain was structural, functional, environmental or otherwise linked to any issue except the mind.
Do you want to get better and stop suffering under the terrible lash of severe back pain? We can help. We have helped countless people not with any product or service, but with our words alone. All the information you need to cure back pain is right here at your fingertips. Will you use it or are you happy being the sacrificial sheep that the modern predatory healthcare industry expects you to be?