Tetraplegic patients have lost some or all of the use of their arms and legs. In addition, many have lost the ability to perceive feeling, temperature or even pressure below the level of spinal cord injury.
Tetraplegia conditions, also known as quadriplegia, are the most serious of all paralysis conditions and can make life a constant challenge for affected individuals. However, time and technology have greatly improved the living conditions for modern quadriplegics.
The scope of this article details the best ways of managing significant spinal cord injury for career and personal development.
Tetraplegic Employment
While tetraplegia patients often do not enjoy much in the way of physical functionality, they are still able to find satisfying vocations using their minds.
Computers have made life far easier for many quadriplegics, since there are a number of technologies available to facilitate computer usage, even with the most dire of disabling conditions. Many quadriplegics have found terrific careers in writing, teaching and business, and have elevated the standard of how the world perceives persons with physical impairments.
Best of all, many patients can even work from the comfort and convenience of home, which is always a blessing whether you have a physical disability or not.
Tetraplegia Mobility Issues
Accessibility has become easier for modern quadriplegics due to advances in wheelchair design and portable support systems. Even the most dependent patients can usually be fitted with mobile life sustenance devices.
Handicapped access has become the rule in most developed cities around the world, facilitating independence for every paralyzed person. Ramps and elevators are requirements in most public and governmental buildings and many businesses try extra hard to accommodate the specialized needs of physically challenged individuals.
Tetraplegia Social Interactions
Many restaurants and nightclubs also feature handicapped accessibility. This opens up a whole new world for patients who once felt restricted in their social interactions.
There are dating services specially designed to suit the needs of disabled individuals and there is no reason why a wheelchair bound person can not expect to enjoy the same benefits of love and family as non-physically-impaired persons. There are many methods for even conceiving children using donor and surrogate parenting options. What nature has not provided has luckily been developed with the assistance of medical science.
Given positive mental and spiritual attitudes, there is very little a quadriplegic person can not achieve in today’s wide open world.
Tetraplegic Guidance
Although any disability is a crushing blow to the body and the spirit, the human soul can rise above even the worst adversity and distinguish itself despite the circumstances of life. Disabled people who have taken on the considerable challenge of making their own path in life through family or career should be praised and admired.
There are many organizations which provide help to disabled people who want to improve their lives or their career options. Taking advantage of this help might just be the beginning of a new life for you or someone you love.
Standing up for your rights is a basic human need and persons who can stand alone, even when seated, are truly a cut above the rest.