Irritable bowel syndrome is a very common psychologically-enacted pain syndrome that is sometimes called spastic colon. IBS is one of the most frequent complaints of patients visiting a doctor for gastrointestinal symptoms. This condition can make life an unpredictable hell full of activity-related and social phobias which can form a prison around affected victims.
IBS has been a hot topic for years, since there is no known universal cause, cure or even treatment. However, many mindbody specialists have achieved excellent results using purely psychoemotional approaches to care and skipping all the dangerous drug therapies.
This discussion focuses on expanding the known relationship between irritable bowel syndrome and the mindbody interactions.
IBS Treatment
Medical science has theorized about many possible causes for IBS. Therefore, therapy options differ and are highly case-specific. Treatment has typically revolved around pharmaceutical drugs, regardless of the suspected cause. These drugs have been a complete failure in curing IBS and most are only partially successful in reducing the symptoms. A good number of these drugs also produce side effects that are occasionally worse than the original IBS symptoms.
The pain and symptoms of debilitating IBS are verifiably real and very physical. However, the patient usually demonstrates a history of other psychological pain syndromes and might suffer from several simultaneously or in alternating sequence.
In these instances, the patient’s subconscious mind is likely to be the root of all their problems, creating the symptoms as a defense against sensitive and repressed emotional issues. The best way to permanently cure psychogenic IBS is by using the alternative techniques of knowledge therapy.
Many of my readers have reported a knowledge therapy cure for their back pain and also relief for their chronic IBS. This really substantiates the link between IBS and psychosomatic pain.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms
IBS is characterized by gastrointestinal pain, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea. Patients generally have a predisposition to one of the 3 main types of IBS:
IBS-D patients most commonly experience uncontrollable and sudden bouts of painful recurrent diarrhea. This form generally has an inherent fear factor which prevents patients from going outside of their comfort zone socially and culinarily.
IBS-C patients suffer from extended periods of painful constipation and associated discomfort.
IBS-A patients experience a mix of these 2 symptomatic conditions that is truly the worst of both worlds. They never know which expression will occur and when.
Some patients also suffer regular bouts of flu-like symptoms including fever, vomiting and nausea.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Causes
There have been several theories concerning contributing factors to IBS. Food sensitivity, hormonal changes, parasitic infestation and abnormal bacterial levels have all been linked to IBS symptoms. However, one of the most common suspected causes of IBS is certainly psychoemotional stress.
Treatments for physical causes have shown poor curative results and usually enact only minor symptomatic relief. Therapy directed at a psychological causation has shown good statistics for the complete resolution of symptoms in some patients.
IBS Help
I know quite a few people who have suffered with IBS over long timelines. I am also a former sufferer of a highly sensitive stomach. I never had IBS, nor was gastrointestinal discomfort my main complaint. However, I did have an ultra-sensitive digestive system for most of my life. I was often sickened by simple foods that I ate on a regular basis. I always thought this was strange, but never realized there was a psychological link to this condition. When I finally discovered that my horrible back pain had a mindbody component, I also started to believe that the stomach issues might, as well.
My digestive tract sensitivity has improved tremendously over the years and I do credit knowledge therapy for much of this success. I have learned that almost all the chronic health problems I encountered in life were related to the same underlying psychological causation as my back pain.
My stomach is now solid as a rock. In fact, I can eat everything! I have enjoyed my world travels much more since my stomach calmed down. It is a pleasure to never have to worry about what I eat or drink. I know many of you would love to enjoy this same benefit.
I hope you can heal your irritable bowel syndrome soon. The answer is not likely to be found in some new drug. But, the true solution may already be inside your mind. It is certainly worth a try, being that there is no downside to treatment. No cost, no risk and possibly, no more IBS.
Back Pain > Psychologically Induced Pain Syndromes > Irritable Bowel Syndrome