Dr. Howard Schubiner is one of the most successful and well known of the TMS doctors who have taken Dr. John Sarno’s work to a whole new level.
Although Dr. Schubiner is a respected traditionally trained physician, and has earned many accolades from his patients and peers, he continues to focus his practice on mindbody treatment of tension myositis, also known as Mind Body syndrome in his own lessons.
Dr. Howard Schubiner Details
Dr. Schubiner is a practicing physician with over 32 years experience under his belt. He is board certified in internal medicine, pediatrics and adolescent medicine.
The doctor is a prolific lecturer, author and researcher with far too many accomplishments under his belt to cite here. He regularly appears on lists detailing the Best Doctors in America.
Dr. Schubiner has brought an Eastern philosophy into his practice by studying acupuncture in China and has stressed his belief in the power of the mind to cause, perpetuate and worsen physical symptoms.
The doctor also is an expert in meditation practices and integrates this therapy into many of his treatment programs.
Dr. Howard Schubiner’s MindBody Program
One of the biggest differences between Dr. Schubiner and many of his peers is that he is the first to utilize the incredible power of the internet to help patients find relief from TMS. He has designed and implemented an online course which is a direct form of knowledge therapy. This interactive program is well reviewed by TMS patients and is a great value at $250. The online course is fully interactive, enveloping the patient in all they need to recover from tension myositis syndrome completely.
Dr. Schubiner is not only a TMS doctor; he is also a fellow sufferer, much like other care practitioners who have embraced the mindbody medicine ideal.
The doctor has cited back and neck problems, headaches and gastrointestinal concerns as a patient throughout the years and has used the mindbody approach to resolve his own pain.
Howard Schubiner Contact
Howard Schubiner, MD
Providence Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine
16001 W. Nine Mile Rd.
Southfield, MI 48075
(248) 849-4728