Ibuprofen for back pain is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) often taken by patients with chronic pain symptoms. Ibuprofen is also a time-tested drug used for a variety of painful syndromes, including arthritis, headache and fever. While over the counter versions of the drug are considered quite safe; they and their prescription strength relatives are not without side effects and risks.
Make sure to consult your doctor prior to beginning any long-term use of ibuprofen, or any drug, to treat your back pain. At the very least, read the enclosed product literature carefully and use it to guide you to additional sources of research concerning the effects of continuing pharmaceutical treatment.
This dialog explores the use of ibuprofen for chronic pain and focuses on its application in back pain sufferers.
Varieties of Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen is sold in 2 basic forms: prescription strength and over the counter strength (OTC). Common brand names for OTC ibuprofen are: Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, Dorival, Nurofen, Act-3, Herron Blue, Brufen, Panafen, Ipren, Ibuprom, Moment and Ibumetin.
Prescription strength versions are considerably stronger and more effective, but also demonstrate substantially more risks. Ibuprofen is also available in combination with other more powerful drugs such as oxycodone (Combunox) and hydrocodone (Vicoprofen).
Risks of Ibuprofen for Back Pain
Like all NSAIDs, Ibuprofen demonstrates some potential side effects and significant health risks. Low doses of the drug are unlikely to cause major health concerns, but higher doses can cause some or all of the following: nausea, constipation, diarrhea, sensitivity to light and other problematic symptoms. There are some studies that link NSAID use to increased chances of heart attack, organ damage and hypertension.
One of the major risks of most NSAIDS, including ibuprofen, is the drastically increased risk for bleeding in the stomach or esophagus, especially in people with a history of peptic ulcer disease, gastritis and other digestive tract concerns.
Make sure to talk to your doctor to find out if Ibuprofen is a good choice for your particular health condition. When you do, be sure to provide them with a complete list of other substances you might use regularly, including alcohol, as well as any health issues you might be suffering besides your back concerns.
Ibuprofen for Back Pain Factsheet
I do not think that any OTC drug demonstrates really good results for providing serious back pain relief. For minor symptoms, it may be sufficient, but is not enough to make a noticeable difference in most patients with severe pain. At least the side effects are minor compared to many of the far more powerful prescription strength drugs.
Personally, I found Advil to be useless for back ache, even though it was recommended by several doctors, at higher dosages. I do think that Advil Liquid Gels are one of the best headache remedies I have ever tried. My recommendation is a strong thumbs up for headache relief, but a thumbs down when it comes to serious back pain.
Better yet, you may want to try some type of all-natural back pain relief that will not deposit any pharmaceutical poisons into your body. Remember, drugs are only one form of pain management and are certainly not the best method in terms of risk/reward ratio.